One of the key roles of a Police and Crime Commissioner is to produce a Police and Crime Plan which sets out the direction for policing for the next four years.

The overarching vision for 2021-25 is to keep the communities of Mid and West Wales safe, maintaining trust and confidence in our police and criminal justice system as a whole.

The public must remain central to everything we do and every decision we make. Providing an evidence base for our actions and investments by harnessing the use of technology and data to shape our services can ensure the security and safety of our area.


Police and Crime Plan

The Police and Crime Plan which sets out the direction for policing for the next four years (2021 - 2025)

Download Police and Crime Plan

Police and Crime Plan Impact Assessment

Police and Crime Plan Impact Assessment

Download Police and Crime Plan Impact Assessment

Police and Crime Plan Easy Read

An easy to read version of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025

Download Police and Crime Plan Easy Read

Police and Crime Plan video series

We have developed a series of four animated videos to support and summarise the 2021-2025 Police and Crime Plan.

Our vision
Priority 1: Victims are supported
Priority 2: Harm is prevented
Priority 3: Our justice system is more effective
British Sign Language (BSL)

There are BSL versions of the video series available also:

Our vision
Priority 1: Victims are supported
Priority2: Harm is prevented
Priority3: Our justice system is more effective